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Atomic Attraction: The Psychology of Attraction and How to Use It to Your Advantage


Perhaps like you, I spent hours researching the best books on seduction and attraction, and I read many of them. You already know many of the books I found if you've spent a meaningful time searching for them. I won't mention them because merely comparing this to some of the others might actually lower this book in your eyes. Many of those books had some good guidance and explained some associated female psychology, but I felt none of them got straight to the point and told me how to actually generate attraction. Without hyperbole, I was painfully longing for a text I couldn't find. Atomic Attraction undoubtedly leaves the rest of the books in the dust.

Trends in atomic radii: The atomic radius is a half distancebetween the nucleus of an atom and electron in the outermostshell. Within the period the atomic radii decrease from left to rightbecause electrons are added to the same shell and that increasesthe nuclear attraction and reduces the atomic size [7]. In the groupatomic radii increase from top to bottom because the number ofenergy level increases.

Atomic Attraction: The Psychology Of Attraction

Atomic radius: Across the period atomic radii of the element ofa particular series decrease gradually up to the midway elementand then these values remain almost constant up to the elementof group 11 and then increase. From Sc to Mn the atomic radiidecrease. This decrease is caused by gradual increase in nuclearcharge with increase in atomic number. In midway elementselectron(s) added to 3d orbital screen the 4s electron [8,9]. Theattraction between nucleus and 4s decrease. Towards the end ofeach series there is electron-electron repulsion between electronsbeing added to 3d orbitals. This increase in repulsion becomesgreater than the attraction between the nucleus and the 4s electron.Down the group the atomic radii increases as the atomic numberincrease.

Cause of lanthanide contraction: as we precede from one elementto the next in lanthanide series the nuclear charge (atomic number)increases by +1 at each next element. Thus as we move from La57 to Lu71 the attraction between the nucleus and outer most shellelectron increases gradually in each step. It is also known that fromLa51 to Lu71 the addition of extra electron take place to 4f orbitals.

Since 4f have very diffused shape, the electrons in these orbitalsare not able to shield effectively the attraction of nucleus for theelectron in the outer most shell as the atomic number increases.It means that due to poor shielding of 4f and gradual increaseof nuclear charge that lanthanide contractions take place amonglanthanides.

Because of this need and because we all know that the war symbolizes a moral and spiritual failure which is written in blood around the earth, may I suggest tonight some of the benefits that might accrue for educated Americans from a realistic Psychology of the Spirit, established gradually, as the basis and premise of higher education? Is not the purpose of education to lead the inquiring soul out of many contradictory knowledges into one wisdom? Is it not time that our great universities moved on from analysis to synthesis; from objects to values; from the particular to the universal; and from the laboratory to the human sciences? Do you think perchance that we can build the post-war society on our knowledge of atomic attraction, chemical affinity and electrical polarity? If corpses could think and hope and plan and love, we might do this; for these physical properties apply only to our corpses; to the animals we ride. It is the soul rather than the body, of the human animal, which must concern our seats of learning after peace. The soul feeds on the Psychology of the Spirit as the body feeds on milk and bread. This psychology, once established, will enable the soul of the nation to predominate over the wealth of the nation. It will write a new and deeper meaning into our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Declaration of Independence. It will eliminate hypocrisy in public office and waste of the peoples' substance by public officials. It will put character, courage, integrity and vision into our federal government. It will make big business more conscious of its social obligation to the nation. It will help greatly to harmonize the national group conflicts which throttle and stifle the democratic process. These things are guaranteed because, if we give it a chance, the Spirit controls and directs human consciousness. 2ff7e9595c


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