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Skyrim Game Save Editor v1.04 xbox 360 no 12: Create Your Own Skyrim Adventures and Stories


Hi! ive been doing things like these for ages.if you still want your game edited then i need you to trust me.i know we just met but i want to help you so all you need it a usb and horizon (a xbox 360 modding tool)

I am only wanting to copy my xbox 360 save to PC. I tried modio, but it said my save files were zero bytes. I used Horizon and it was able to extract them. The PC version of Skyrim says the version of the save game is zero instead of nine. Anyway to fix this?

Skyrim Game Save Editor v1.04 xbox 360 no 12

1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30790"2. Decrypt eboot.bin with scetool3. Open eboot.elf with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 37 39 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 00 01] and save4. Move the modified eboot.elf to scetool folder, open CMD and type:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=TRUE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30790_00-BLEACHSOULRESURR --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN5. Copy the new eboot.bin into NPUB30970 folder6. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save7. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.

1. Rename PS3_Game folder to "NPUB30970"2. Decrypt EBOOT.BIN, DBZ1.BIN and DBZ3.BIN with scetool3. Open EBOOT.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 4C 41 55 4E 43 48 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54] and save4. Open DBZ1.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57 00 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 31 00 00 2F 55 53 52 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 49 6E 69 74 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 20 54 68 72 65 61 64 00 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 44 52 41 57 00 00 41 50 20 42 47 20 54 52 41 4E 53 20 44 52 41 57] and save5. Open DBZ3.ELF with Hex, set it on 16 bit offset and find /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR, then replace hex values [2F 64 65 76 5F 62 64 76 64 2F 50 53 33 5F 47 41 4D 45 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00] with [2F 64 65 76 5F 68 64 64 30 2F 67 61 6D 65 2F 4E 50 55 42 33 30 39 37 30 2F 55 53 52 44 49 52 2F 44 42 5A 33 00 00 2F 43 41 43 48 45 2E 4C 53 54 00 0A] and save6. Move the modified files to scetool folder, open CMD and typeFor EBOOT.ELF:scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --compress-data=FALSE --skip-sections=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-type=NPDRM --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --np-license-type FREE --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --np-app-type=EXEC --np-content-id=UP0105-NPUB30970_00-DRAGONBALLBUDHDC --np-klicensee=72F990788F9CFF745725F08E4C128387 --np-real-fname=EBOOT.BIN --np-add-sig=FALSE --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BINFor DBZ1.ELF and DBZ3.ELF (you must rename them to EBOOT.BIN and rename them to their original names after the conversion):scetool.exe --verbose --sce-type=SELF --skip-sections=FALSE --self-add-shdrs=TRUE --compress-data=FALSE --key-revision=04 --self-app-version=0001000000000000 --self-auth-id=1010000001000003 --self-vendor-id=01000002 --self-ctrl-flags=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --self-cap-flags=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003B0000000100040000 --self-type=APP --self-fw-version=0003004000000000 --encrypt EBOOT.ELF EBOOT.BIN7. Copy the new .BIN files into NPUB30970 folder8. Edit PARAM.SFO and change Category from DG (Disc Game) to HG (Harddrive Game) then save9. Pack into PKG with any PKG converter as long as it doesn't resign the eboot into 4.XXSo far the game works perfectly.

You wanted it, we wanted it - modding tools to create your very own adventures in Solasta. We didn't make any promises back during our Kickstarter as we weren't sure we'd be able to make it before launch... But today we're happy to announce the Dungeon Maker - a map editor that will be accessible in-game to each and everyone of you! And we're not just making promises with a few screenshots here - here's a full video to show you what the Dungeon Maker is, and how it works!


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